

JKD & BJJ Bane of Muscle Memory

Yesterday I was introduced to punyo sombrada which is a lot like regular sombrada but also a lot different. I kept falling back into by habitual patterns much to Andy's amusement. Punyo sombrada goes like this:
Feed angle 1 (half 2)Roof block angle 1 (half 11) with checkhand, backhand punyo to face
Check backhand punyoRotate stick and feed overhead backhand (high noon)
Wing block high noonInsert in central hole and sweep down (stick/blade) across hand, feed angle 1 (half 2)
This is going to take a lot of work.
In BJJ we reviewed cross side offense and defense (also here and here). I've been calling the kimura a shoulder lock when in actuality it is an elbow lock. The figure four is set-up so that the wrist grip is as far distal on the forearm/wrist as possible while the forearm posterior to the arm, at the elbow is just proximal to the articulation of the joint. This locks elbow first and shoulder second. The alternative, Shooto version, attacks the shoulder first by moving the posterior arm more proximally so that it is halfway between elbow and shoulder and then lifting superiorly followed by pressure at the wrist that is posterior and superior. Jack also covered hip leverage armbars from cross side:
Same side Armbar from Cross Side
Inferior side arm takes opposite side underhook control with superior hand cupping the near elbow while extending the arm. Step your superior side leg over partner's head and slide knee slightly superiorly. Extend hips into arm (slowly). This is an easy move to defend but is high-yield as it gives up very little positional advantage.
180o Armbar (Opposite side Armbar from Cross Side)
Partner has opposite hand over inferior side shoulder (inferior side one armed hug on this arm) and tries to shrimp to guard. As they do so, pop up and step over partner's head. Imagine kicking them in the kidneys and grab their belt with your free hand. Stay tight and low, pull yourself into a perpendicular position extending their arm for the armbar. Pinch your knees, pull your feet to your rear, and extend your hips.
I wrestled many rounds after practice and it felt pretty good except for some stiffness in the leg a injured last week.
"Muscle memory" is a non-exact term. Your muscles really can't remember anything nor can you train a reflex since the neurological short cut for that is from sensory cluster to spinal cord to motor unit. However, our higher processes can learn new skills and with time make them efficient and seemingly thoughtless. For example, when we started walking we dedicated a significant amount of our processor, the brain, to this complex task. Now (hopefully) we can walk, chew gum, and talk on our cell phones. Motor skills such as martial arts techniques are the same. When we first start out they are difficult and we use a lot of inefficient muscle and neurological power to do them. We cannot relax because we are using all our muscles and way to many neurons to achieve a goal that the more skilled can achieve with a lot less. If we have a perceived similar basis (such as my problem with punyo sombrada and regular sombrada) we will often fall back into those patterns because they are cerebrally easier to work with. Thus, bad habits are hard to break.
We can tame reflexes but never master them. Yes, you can learn to withstand pain, not flinch (or better tactically flinch), or not blink but this is requires a concentrated higher conscious effort to mold. However, the reflex is hidden but still there and given the right stimulus can still be illicited in all its primal glory with no higher brain modulation. Thus, learning to "manage" our reflexive pathways is important relying on our ability to do so is hubris of the most blatant sort.

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