

JKD & BJJ "Pan-Ams T Minus 1 Month"

In Jeet Kune Do we started with knee tag and then did reaction shadow boxing. Jack clicked the sticks and we threw jabs or shuffle kicks. We then worked on midrange knife work off angles 1 through 8:
  1. Downward forehand diagonal -- open to close - check hand to forearm, slash wrist
  2. Downward backhand diagonal -- close to open -- forearm to wrist, sweep down and through to outside, slash wrist
  3. Upward forehand diagonal -- open to close -- check hand to forearm, slash wrist
  4. Upward backhand diagonal -- close to open -- forearm to wrist, pass, slash wrist
  5. Thrust -- open to close -- angle to outside, check hand to forearm, slash wrist
  6. Backhand horizontal -- close to open -- forearm to wrist, pass, slash wrist
  7. Forehand horizontal -- open to close -- check hand to forearm, pass, slash wrist
  8. Backhand outside thrust -- close to open -- forearm to wrist, slash wrist, disarm (secure thenar eminence, thrust to lower flank, put forearm on flat of blade, strip by thrusting at neck, underhook and grasp at elbow, control foot with your foot, enter "bargaining position").
BJJ we went over some basics (and even the mighty purple belt learned or relearned somethings =D ):
Escape from Side Mount (Shrimp)
Partner has neither head nor hip control. Shrimp out, pointing your centerline toward your partner. Bring lower leg in and rotate head away from partner as you transition into a closed guard.
Escape from Side Mount (Four Points Transition)
Partner has hip control. Shrimp out, and rotate to four points position. Secure nearest leg at knee, move out to side and drop elbow of posterior side arm to the floor inside of calf.
Kimura (Inferior Shoulder Lock) from Side Mount
From side mount transition to 45o angle between partner's shoulder and head. Elevate shoulder to free partner's hand from armpit. Secure figure four going posterior to shoulder. Switch base and place foot over head. Lift and push locked arm behind partner's body.
Posterior Collar Choke from Side Mount
Secure control of posterior collar with inferior (towards legs) hand and pull in close. Obtain cross collar control with other hand. Extend superior leg (nearest head) and drop hip to floor. The choke is three dimensional:
  1. Posterior collar pulled inferiorly
  2. Forearm pulled laterally across wind pipe
  3. Dropping weight in and under chin (scoop) by extending leg and dropping hip
I rolled for abour 45 minutes with Jeff, my leg still a bit tender.

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